Seroja Community Sundowner
Following the Heavyland Field Day MIG hosted a Seroja Sundowner for our local farmers and the community.
Caroline Ashby, Farmer, Mother and Ironman athlete attended to present to the women for the afternoon session, “To dream, believe, achieve, remain resilient and grateful for everything you have and remember no matter what your circumstances and that "Anything is possible". Her presentation was very motivational and was well received.
We had a special afternoon tea courtesy of Tarts & Co for the women, which allowed them to relax and unwind due to having a bouncy castle to keep the kids well entertained.
For the evening session we had great door prizes donated by various local business that caused quite a stir and the evening meal was the highlight (especially for the kids) with the Firetruck Pizzeria cooking arancini balls, pizza, and donuts on site.